Masyarakat dunia kini gempar dengan hadirnya sebuah video yang bertajuk “A Rabbit Was Born Without EARS Near Fukushima” di Youtube (videonya ada di bawah ini). Video tersebut telah menjadi populer. Masyarakat dunia kini percaya bahwa pencemaran nuklir di daerah Fukushima itu adalah penyebab dari kelinci yg tidak bertelinga tersebut. Hal yang paling mereka takuti telah menjadi kenyataan.
Hewan kecil telah menimbulkan ketakutan di masyarakat setempat yang takut bahwa hal itu terjadi akibat bencana radiasi dari Fukushima. Beberapa ahli percaya binatang ini lahir dengan cacat sebagai akibat dari kebocoran zat radioaktif dari tanaman hancur akibat tsunami 11 Maret. Analisis lebih lanjut akan mengkonfirmasi atau membantah teori ini.
Di luar itu, hewan ini berperilaku normal dan tidak ada perbedaan lain dari kelinci lain. Kelinci tanpa telinga lahir di lokasi dengan jarak 30 kilometer dari Fukushima.
Komentar dari salah satu blogger Jepang:
The YouTube user’s location is listed as the Tsushima area of Namie town, which happens to lie at the northwest edge of the original 30 kilometer exclusion zone set up around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. According to data released by the Japanese and U.S. governments, it was one of the places that suffered from considerable radioactive. Based on that data, the Japanese government expanded the evacuation zone in April, telling all residents of Namie to leave the area.
The anonymous uploader claims that there is “cover-up” [隠蔽工作] taking place. Apparently this rabbit is proof that the government has been lying about the health risk from the radiation leak. He/She claims that rabbits have a faster life cycle than humans, so they are an indication of what may eventually happen to human babies in Japan.
The video has gone viral, getting over 375,000 views in just a few days.
While the video has received a lot of attention and support from conspiracy theorists, there are also several comments on YouTube that question the authentically of the video. Critics point out that:
- There is no evidence that this video was actually filmed in Fukushima.
- There is no evidence that this video was filmed after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident.
- Some of the Japanese phrases used in the video description sound unnatural. Was this video even uploaded by somebody in Japan?
This looks awfully clean to be a birth defect caused by radiation.
Monday, June 6, 2011
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